Team of Shcherbanivska AH won oblast sports championship among AHs of Poltava Oblast

The final competitions of the sports championship among amalgamated hromadas of the Poltava Oblast took place in Myrhorod. In total 27 teams from Poltava Oblast AHs came to the resort city. They won in the area-based qualifying rounds a month ago. The teams competed in mini-football, volleyball, weightlifting, table tennis, tug rope and checkers. Besides, in the framework of the sports event there were family competitions “Dad, Mom, and Me Are a Sports Family”. The AH teams competed for medals, cups and UAH 50 thousand. The prize fund for the winners was allocated by the Poltava Oblast Council. The sum should go for the purchase of sports equipment.

After a day of competitions in Myrhorod the results were summed up. By the sum of prize-winning places, the team of the Shcherbanivska AH (Poltava Rayon) won the main prize. The second place went to the team of the Kozelshchynska AH. The team of the Hlobynska AH closed the winners list. The first elections in the Shcherbanivska AH took place only at the end of last year. The hromada, headed by Ihor Protsyk, has a great potential, including in sports. In 2017, the sports team of this AH won the oblast sports championship among the village councils, and at the all-Ukrainian competition occupied an honorable third place. Now the team of the Shcherbanivska AH will represent the Poltava Oblast at the all-Ukrainian AH sports championship to be held in the Odesa Oblast.

Iryna Balybina, Director of the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, said: “The large number of participants in the sports events and high results of the winners are not only sports results. It is a kind of litmus indicator of the correct course of AH leaders in support and development of physical training in hromadas.”

26.06.2018 - 09:25 | Views: 13264
Team of Shcherbanivska AH won oblast sports championship among AHs of Poltava Oblast

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Полтавська область


Глобинська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Козельщинська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Щербанівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Козельщинська територіальна громада


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Авторка: Олександра Койдель, зовнішня експертка Програми "U-LEAD з Європою" Довгострокове відновлення України...