Oblasts that do not use funds for roads repair will be deprived of these revenues – Volodymyr Omelyan

Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan highlighted the successful work of the State Road Fund, which envisages financing of the road sector in 2018 at the level of UAH 32 billion.

“We have also successfully carried out decentralisation of the “Ukravtodor”. Along with the roads we transferred considerable funds for their repair and maintenance to the oblast level. However, a number of oblasts keep the money on their accounts, and roads are not being built. This situation is shameful. It is a personal responsibility of the leaders of oblasts and road services in the regions. I suggest “Ukravtodor” a new approach to assessing the effectiveness of road services in the oblasts: five oblasts that show the worst dynamics of road repairs by the end of six months, automatically receive new road service managers. Those who work bad should leave. People are not interested in dismissals and appointments – people want to see the result. And we have to give it.”

Volodymyr Omelyan also noted that the Ministry together with the “Ukravtodor” will initiate redistribution of funds from the State Road Fund among the oblasts:

“Those oblasts that disrupt or slow down the road restoration process and do not use the target funds will be deprived of these revenues. Money will be transferred to the regions that want and can repair roads. And then let the local leaders come to people and explain why they deprived the oblast and people of roads. We do our work, but you should do yours as well.”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

22.06.2018 - 10:05 | Views: 9254
Oblasts that do not use funds for roads repair will be deprived of these revenues – Volodymyr Omelyan




Міністерство інфраструктури України

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