Alpine experience and EU money will be applied to develop the Carpathians

The experience and investments of the EU countries will be engaged to develop the mountainous regions of the Zakarpattia Oblast.

This issue was discussed during the 3rd Local Development Forum, opened today, on 21 June, in Truskavets.

35 project proposals in five directions have been prepared in the Zakarpattia Oblast. One of the project is the research of salt mines in the urban-type settlement of Solotvyno.

Other projects include the construction of a waste processing plant in the Zakarpattia Oblast, reconstruction of roads, construction of wastewater treatment facilities etc.

According to Mykhailo Rivis, head of the Zakarpattia Oblast Council, the EU is ready to allocate about EUR 10 million to finance these projects. It is expected that their implementation will start by 2020.

Besides, the European experience is planned to be applied to ski infrastructure of the Carpathians.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

21.06.2018 - 16:55 | Views: 12677
Alpine experience and EU money will be applied to develop the Carpathians


regional development mountainous areas


Закарпатська область Івано-Франківська область Львівська область


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