Decentralisation goal is achievable, and amalgamated hromadas prove it, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

In the course of four years since the introduction of the local self-government and decentralisation reform in Ukraine, one still believes that its goal is to amalgamate hromadas or reduce the number of local deputies. It is not so. The main purpose of the changes currently taking place in most hromadas is to create conditions for effective development. As a result, we must receive high-quality and accessible services, comfortable living conditions in every hromada – no matter whether it's a big city or a small village, said Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, at the 3rd Local Development Forum, held ob 21-23 June in Truskavets, Lviv Oblast.

“It's easier to achieve this goal, where there are powerful hromadas. Thus, hromadas amalgamate not only to gain more power and money. They consolidate their efforts to become stronger, have resources and be able to independently solve most of the issues that concern their residents. Hromadas join the reform so that every city and village become attractive for life, business running, tourism,” noted Vyacheslav Nehoda.

According to him, those hromadas that were the first to amalgamate prove that the goal of the reform is quite achievable. There they think not only about solving current problems, but also make strategies and plans, search for their own peculiarities, develop them and use them for development. Those still hesitating lose time, money, and people's trust.

The First Deputy Minister also said: “The success of decentralisation in Ukraine is also recognised by the international community. Our European colleagues admit that over the past four years we have made a huge leap forward. They do not have such experience in reforming local self-government – in terms of time and results – so they are ready to support us in future.”


The 3rd Local Development Forum, organised by the Lviv Oblast Council, Association of EUROREGION “CARPATHIANS – Ukraine”, Association of Local Councils “Lviv Oblast Councils”, is being held on 21-23 June in Truskavets (Lviv Oblast).

The Forum is attended by 400 guests from all over Ukraine and from abroad: heads of oblast authorities and local self-government, parliamentarians, government officials, representatives of specialised committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, diplomatic corps, non-governmental organisations, international funds and programmes.

Three strategic directions were chosen for discussion this year:

  • Tools for sustainable development of the Carpathian Euroregion.
  • Opportunities to support regional and local development.
  • East and West together: regional dimension of all-Ukrainian solidarity.


21.06.2018 - 16:28 | Views: 15692
Decentralisation goal is achievable, and amalgamated hromadas prove it, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

Attached images:


V.Nehoda amalgamation of hromadas



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