We need to shape effective instruments of local government control, Volodymyr Groysman speaks about further steps on decentralisation

The decentralisation reform put into practice four years ago, as a new system of the management of the territories, has already proven its effectiveness in terms of providing powers and financial resources on the ground. However, monitoring of the use of new opportunities is virtually absent and requires implementation, said Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman while communicating with the delegates of the XIV Ukrainian Municipal Forum.

“Powers, financial resources and control are three pillars of decentralisation. There is a lack of control instruments now. We need to work together with the Association of Ukrainian Cities in order to develop an effective system of supervision and control,” the Head of Government stated.

19.06.2018 - 11:42 | Views: 10209
We need to shape effective instruments of local government control, Volodymyr Groysman speaks about further steps on decentralisation


Volodymyr Groysman control supervision


Урядовий портал

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