Awarding Ceremony of the Kharkiv Oblast journalism competition "Hromada Success Stories"

On the Day of Journalists, Mr Serhiy Chernov, Head of the Kharkiv Oblast Council, and Mr Моrten Enberg, Head of Office of the Council of Europe in Ukraine, Representative of the Secretary General in charge of the co-ordination of the co-operation programmes in Ukraine, rewarded Journalists who shared the best stories of hromada success in their printed, online, video and radio media.

Serhiy Chernov thanked journalists for helping in distribution of the best practices for local self-government development in the region. Together with the Office of the Council of Europe in Ukraine, we intend to promote this initiative. The competition is already being implemented in the Vinnytsia, Donetsk and Khmelnytskyi Oblasts. It has just started in the Chernihiv Oblast. We are confident that other oblasts of Ukraine will also join this initiative, and this will become a national, powerful media project in support of decentralisation.

"When reforms are taking place in the country, especially large-scale ones as decentralisation, it is necessary for the public to understand the content. Journalists here play a very important role. They are multipliers of information for the population. That is why it is necessary for them to be more aware of the essence of this reform, emphasised Mr Morten Enberg. Such competitions are very important and necessary at the oblast level.

For more information, please, go to the Ukrainian version of the website.

09.06.2018 - 12:44 | Views: 9493
Awarding Ceremony of the Kharkiv Oblast journalism competition "Hromada Success Stories"

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Харківська область


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