Village council joins city of oblast significance of Khmilnyk in Vinnytsia Oblast

The first hromada of the Vinnytsya Oblast decided to join the city of oblast significance.

The village of Sokolivka is joining the neighbouring city of Khmilnyk, which has given its consent to accession of the rural hromada. Thus, on 8 June 2018, the deputies of the Khmelnytskyi City Council made a decision to agree on the accession of the Sokolivka village council, and the process of formation of the Khmelnytska amalgamated hromada was initiated.

According to Mayor Serhiy Redchyk, it is definitely a historic moment, since the hromadas have been long cooperating and looking forward to the recently introduced changes to the legislation on hromadas’ accession to cities of oblast significance.

It should be mentioned that since May this year, the law on voluntary accession of hromadas to cities of oblast significance has come into force.


08.06.2018 - 15:12 | Views: 14546
Village council joins city of oblast significance of Khmilnyk in Vinnytsia Oblast


amalgamation of hromadas accession


Вінницька область


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