26 ASCs in Ukrainian AHs: results of Inception Phase of U-LEAD with Europe Programme (presentation)

26 amalgamated hromadas were selected through an open competition, they became part of the Inception Phase. In the course of 18 months, the team on improved administrative service delivery piloted 26 ASCs and tested various operational models of service provision – in large hromadas, as well as a mobile format and remote workplace format – in small hromadas.

During the implementation of the Inception Phase, a support package with the guidelines for the ASC establishment was developed and tested.

Tested models and approaches to administrative service delivery are being implemented more extensively during the Roll-Out Phase, which involves support of the establishment and modernisation of up to 600 ASCs.

By this report, the Programme expresses its gratitude to the Ukrainian and international partners for a successful cooperation.

The report is available in English and Ukrainian.

More information on ASC in amalgamated hromadas can be found in a special section HERE

06.06.2018 - 12:52 | Views: 11776
26 ASCs in Ukrainian AHs: results of Inception Phase of U-LEAD with Europe Programme (presentation)


Administrative services


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