Hromadas learned innovations in Kyiv

The conference "Hromadas’ innovations: administrative services, intermunicipal cooperation, sustainable development", that brought together over 200 representatives of local hromadas, AHs and ASCs from all regions of Ukraine, central executive authorities and international technical assistance projects, was held in the open space format on 3-6 June, with the support of the GIZ project "Administrative Reform in Eastern Ukraine II”.

The mission of the open space “Hromadas’ Innovation” is to create greater freedom and inspirational examples to discharge the creative energy of people seeking decent living and sustainable development for their hromadas.

The open space format means that the event does not have a predetermined programme, and within the time slots, the participants themselves have the opportunity to offer their topics. Thus, over the past few days, more than 40 different topics have already been announced, including, for example, “Innovative solutions for ASC”, “Cyber ​​security”, “GIZ company and cooperation with GIZ in Ukraine”, “Gender sensitive issues in the ASC / AH space”, “Activation of youth in hromadas”, “Personnel potential of hromadas”, “Distance education in a hromada” and many others.

“GIZ company and cooperation with GIZ in Ukraine” session was personally supervised by Sabine Müller, Regional Director, GIZ Ukraine and Belarus.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

06.06.2018 - 09:55 | Views: 6525

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