Poltava Oblast’s achievements in signing and implementing agreements on cooperation between hromadas were discussed

The 2nd Poltava Regional Forum for Inter-Municipal Cooperation took place.

“The Poltava Oblast has significant achievements in the signing and implementation of agreements on inter-municipal cooperation. This cooperation is sending positive signals, especially in regard to the further decentralisation reform. I am grateful to the President of Ukraine and to the Prime Minister of Ukraine who made such a politically important decision in 2015 to transfer powers and financial resources to local self-government bodies which are now utilised for the development of hromadas. Looking at the statistics, we already have 61 agreements on inter-municipal cooperation. In total, there are 185 such agreements in Ukraine, so we are the leaders here. We must keep this position. Together with Oleksandr Bilenkyi, (Head of the Poltava Oblast Council), we help solve problems arising during the implementation of various projects. The main topics for cooperation include the processing of solid household waste, creation of modern fire stations and road repairs. Inter-municipal cooperation is now entering new fields – for instance, cooperation in the delivery of healthcare or educational services. Our oblast is also quickening its pace in the development of tourism and sports. Inter-municipal cooperation is continuing and deepening. The main point is that it has triggered the implementation and expansion of the decentralisation reform. The Poltava Oblast is also among the leaders in establishing powerful and capable amalgamated hromadas. We must remain the region where people come to gain practical experience and to communicate with experts,” said Valerii Holovko, Head of the Poltava Oblast State Administration.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

31.05.2018 - 17:46 | Views: 11593
Poltava Oblast’s achievements in signing and implementing agreements on cooperation between hromadas were discussed

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