Example of decentralisation in action: Vyshnivetska AH

Example of decentralisation in action: Vyshnivetska AH

Journalists from the Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad and Kharkiv Oblasts got acquainted with the hromadas of the Ternopil Oblast on 21 and 22 May. The Vyshnivetska amalgamated hromada has many examples of decentralisation in action. The main purpose of the visit was to study the model of cooperation between business and the authorities and to learn about the successful experience of implementing the decentralisation reform.

The Vyshnivetska AH, which has more than 8,000 residents, has amlagamated 9 settlements, with a total area of ​​about 75 square kilometres. From the beginning of the amalgamation, the priority for the Vyshnivetska AH has been given to road repairs and the improvement of social and other infrastructure. The hromada’s leadership is working on a programme for the development and intensification of rural green tourism, the work on the development of tourist routes is taking place, and the project manager is exploring opportunities for a new plan of the hromada’s development. The plans include opening an Administrative Service Centre and developing culture.

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Тернопільська область


Вишнівецька територіальна громада



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