TENDER to create official web portal of state regional policy

The Group of Advisers for Regional Development in Policy and Action of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, together with the Directorate of Regional Development of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, are conducting a competition to identify the contractor for the creation of an official web portal of the State Regional Policy and the Directorate of Regional Development of MinRegion.

The terms of the tender are outlined in the attached document.

Potential participants of the competition can send their tender-related questions by 6 pm on 21 May 2018 by e-mail to info.rdproject@gopa.de.

The answers to the received questions will be provided in open access by the Ordering party for all potential participants of the competition by 25 May 2018.

The questions submitted in a different way will not be considered.

The deadline for submission of proposals from competition participants is 4 June 2018 until 6 pm (Kyiv time).



07.05.2018 - 16:11 | Views: 8776
TENDER to create official web portal of state regional policy

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