Useful experience of hromadas of Vinnytsia Oblast for AHs of Lviv Oblast

With the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and the regional branch of the All-Ukrainian Association of Village and Settlement Councils, representatives of local self-government bodies of the Lviv Oblast visited the Vinnytsia Oblast.

On 25-27 April, the delegation of the Lviv Oblast visited four successful amalgamated hromadas in order to study the best practices of regional and local economic development of the Vinnytsia Oblast.

The various forms of entrepreneurial activity are represented in AHs of the Vinnytsia Oblast. However, comfortable conditions for doing business and partnership relations are immediately visible. This indicates a high level of business trust in local authorities.

"The programme of the study trip to the Vinnytsia Oblast was rich and diverse. We tried to show to the representatives of hromadas of the Lviv Oblast the positive experience in local economic development, effective cooperation between local authorities and business entities, and creation of a favorable business climate in AHs. In addition, we visited urban hromadas, whose successful experience should help to establish hromadas around cities in the Lviv Oblast," noted Taras Baranetskyi, acting director of the Lviv LGDC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

07.05.2018 - 12:10 | Views: 11187
Useful experience of hromadas of Vinnytsia Oblast for AHs of Lviv Oblast

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Вінницька область Львівська область


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