Novovolynsk to perform architectural and building control functions on its own

Within the framework of decentralisation of state architectural and building control sphere, the city of Novovolynsk with over 50 thousand residents acquired new town planning powers. The transfer and acceptance act was signed by Oleksiy Kudryavtsev, head of the State Architectural and Building Inspection, and Viktor Sapozhnikov, Novovolynsk City Mayor, on 3 May.

"Today one more architectural and building control body has been established on the ground. Novovolynsk is now in our powerful team, that really makes positive and good steps to meet the needs of people and business entities, while changing the labels regarding the state architectural and building control institution existing 3-4 years ago. Together, we will do our utmost to ensure that participants of the city-planning process feel qualitative changes and have access to the European level of services throughout Ukraine," emphasised the head of State Architectural and Building Inspection.

Novovolynsk became the second city in the Volyn Oblast after Lutsk to execute city-planning powers on its own.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


State Architectural and Building Inspection


Волинська область



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