Two more hromadas in Odesa Oblast initiated amalgamation procedure

In April, two rural hromadas in the Odesa Oblast initiated the formation of amalgamated hromadas, informed the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

Thus, at the April session, the deputies of the Velykoploske village council of the Velyka Mykhailivka Rayon decided to initiate voluntary amalgamation of the Velykoploskivska hromada with the Slovyanoserbska hromada of the villages of Slovyanoserbka, Oleh, Antono-Kovach, Trostyanetska hromada of the villages of Trostyanets, Orel, Maloploske, Novoantonivka, Kistelnytsia, Pokrovka, Pryvillya, Novosavytska hromada of Novosavytske village into an AH with an administrative centre in the village of Velykoploske.

The village head was entrusted with the task of studying the proposal to initiate the voluntary amalgamation of hromadas and to take measures for its public discussion.

In addition, at the session the deputies of the Troyitske village council of the Lyubashivka Rayon agreed to a voluntary amalgamation with the Novokarbivka, Pokrovka, and Mala Vasylivka village councils. Troyitske is proposed to be the centre of such an AH.

It should be noted that there are already two AHs – Velykomykhailivska and Tsebrykivska AHs – in the Velyka Mykhailivka Rayon, and one in the Lyubashivka Rayon with its centre in Lyubashivka. In total 28 AHs have been established in the Odesa Oblast so far.


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