Conscious youth project started in Sumy Oblast

#Svidomi is the name is a joint project of the Sumy Local Government Development Centre, Youth and Sports Department of the Sumy Oblast State Administration, media platform "Spetskor Media" and the "Vidikon" TV channel.

The project envisages creation of a discussion platform, where the integration of young people into public life will take place through live discussion of important urgent issues, explanations of complex concepts and awareness-raising campaign.

According to Anna Valevska, head of the media platform "Spetskor Media", the main goal of the project is to involve young people in socio-political processes, motivate them to participate in political processes and control the authorities.

"Of course, this process will not happen immediately, because hromadas are currently at their starting point. It is necessary to prepare active, responsible people who are aware of the objectives of the reforms. I am sure that the youth, that will receive explanations, take part in discussions and debates, will become the new power to come and lead the hromada," said Oleksandr Khoruzhenko, director of the Sumy Local Government Development Centre.

In total, 10 discussions will be held in this format with each of them devoted to a separate topic: reforms, roads, healthcare, festival movement, migration, etc.

The event was held with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



27.04.2018 - 13:38 | Views: 17102

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Сумська область


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