Prior to the introduction of the Prefect Institute, we have to work out a mechanism for monitoring the lawfulness of the local self-government decisions, - Hennadii Zubko in the Council of Europe

Prior to the adoption of amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine and introduction of the Prefect Institute (with a supervisory function), an instrument for monitoring the lawfulness of decisions of local self-government bodies should be introduced. Such a tool will be provided by a relevant law, which should be adopted as soon as possible. These approaches have been developed today during a round table meeting at the headquarters of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, informed Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services.

"Today, the Ukrainian delegation, composed of specialised associations of local self-government, experts and government representatives, together with the Council of Europe, discussed how to ensure the effectiveness of local authorities and supervise the observance of legislation by local self-government bodies of Ukraine prior to the constitutional changes and introduction of the Prefect Institute in Ukraine. It is about supervision, not control functions. This mechanism should be provided by the draft law that will appear as a result of our joint work," said Hennadii Zubko.

"Today, such a draft law is very timely, as formation of the Prefect Institute, for example in France, and its personnel reserve, took quite a long time. In Ukraine, we have to train these people today. It's not about education and experience, but first of all about the development of competences and state functions that will be carried out by prefects. Use of this time to train professional personnel is the main issue for us," said the Vice Prime Minister.

26.04.2018 - 19:59 | Views: 11960
Prior to the introduction of the Prefect Institute, we have to work out a mechanism for monitoring the lawfulness of the local self-government decisions, - Hennadii Zubko in the Council of Europe


H.Zubko control supervision prefect


Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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