Countrywide photo contest "Big pictures of small places: my hromada, our future" is launched

On 23 April a countrywide photo contest "Big pictures of small places: my hromada, our future" was launched and will last until 20 May. It is organised by MinRegion with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and can be accessed via

The photo contest is supposed to engage citizens in particular from hromadas and rural areas in the decentralisation reform and the amalgamation process. It is aimed at fostering the citizens’ identity with their respective native hromada and at promoting the understanding that every citizen can contribute actively to the development of his or her hromada and solution of common problems.

People will be invited to upload pictures, taken by camera or smartphone, during the upcoming 4 weeks – it addresses both professional and amateur photographers!

The 50 best pictures will form a travelling exhibition which will travel through all oblasts of Ukraine and which we plan to launch in summer. As soon as we have the photos selected and know more details, we will share them with you.


To participate in the competition you need:

• register on the website

• take photos of the most beloved places of your hromada or native land

• upload the photo together with the questionnaire


For more details please see:

Entry Rules

Photo Contest website

U-LEAD with Europe on Facebook

Contact person: Maksym Kytsiuk: +38 067 510 15 69





Програма «U-LEAD з Європою»

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