The funds for the roads should be used efficiently both at the state and the local levels, - Groysman

The large-scale road restoration programme in Ukraine, launched 2 years ago, envisages the construction of new roads, as well as roads restoration, which were built decades ago and have not been ever repaired since that time. This was stated by Volodymyr Groysman, Prime Minister of Ukraine, during his communication with the regional mass media.

He stressed that the pit repair, which is now widely performed on the roads, is not a renovation of roads built a year ago. The new roads, in most cases, "have survived the winter" quite well, - the Head of Government assured.

"Those destroyed roads that you see are not the roads of our Government; they were built 10 years ago. But our responsibility is to renew them. And we do it. We need two things - funds and time," Volodymyr Groysman said.

The Head of Government stressed that within five years the Government will have a large scope of work that will at least tie together all regional centres with good roads. The total budget for five years is about UAH 300 billion. But there is a requirement - to use funds efficiently, both at the central level and at the local level.

The Prime Miniter reminded that this year UAH 11 billion were allocated from the local budgets. And the task of local authorities is to change the situation in the road business in localities.

19.04.2018 - 14:40 | Views: 8015

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Volodymyr Groysman roads


Урядовий портал

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