Affordable housing as significant factor to attract specialists to AHs of Poltava Oblast

The hromadas of the Poltava Oblast are currently keeping leading positions in the national rankings of AH financial capacity. One of the main tasks of successful amalgamated hromadas is to attract promising young professionals. One of the main factors motivating young people to reside in AHs is the availability of their own housing.

The prospects of cooperation and options for attracting state funds to the construction programmes were discussed at the seminar "Attractive hromada. Programmes of affordable housing construction as a tool for ensuring effective personnel policy", which gathered the leaders of AHs of the Poltava Oblast in Kremenchuk. The seminar was initiated by the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

During the discussion, comprehensive information was provided on the implementation of state, regional, urban and even rural housing programmes.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

17.04.2018 - 09:18 | Views: 10311
Affordable housing as significant factor to attract specialists to AHs of Poltava Oblast

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Полтавська область


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