Skate parks, landscape pictures in apartment buildings and own radio station – story on hromadas in Zaporizhzhya Oblast

Skate parks, landscape pictures in apartment buildings and own radio station – story on hromadas in Zaporizhzhya Oblast

Opening of a skate park, artificial mini-football field, radio stations, and multimedia libraries – all this happened during one day in the village of Vesele. Indeed, everything was planned before the arrival of the Zaporizhzhya journalists and a group of representatives of hromadas of the Khmelnytskyi, Sumy and Cherkasy Oblast, who visited Veselivska AH as part of a study tour and a press tour organised by the Zaporizhzhia Local Government Development Centre. However, preparations for all these events started in advance and lasted for several months.

Population growth

"We invest in the development of educational institutions, healthcare, opened two factories, repair roads. As a result, the AH population has increased. There are still less number of newborns than deceased, but people began to return to the countryside because of improved living conditions," explains AH head Petro Kyashko during the briefing.

New village schools

Much attention is paid to children. The Veselivska AH has 6 schools and 6 kindergartens. They create modern educational space with bright pictures on the walls, a TV in the lobby, tennis tables and air hockey, chairs in corridors and toys in classrooms for first-graders. There are two sports halls and four modern computer classrooms, multimedia library, interactive whiteboards and projectors in almost every classroom ... Besides, all first-grade pupils study using tablets purchased for budget funds.

Sports grounds and skate parks

For children to be able to train in any weather conditions, modern sports grounds with artificial surface are opened at schools. There are already two mini-football fields, four more are to be opened this year, grants are being attracted and budget funds are being invested.

Apartment building co-owners association

100% of apartment buildings in the Veselivska AH are maintained by the residents themselves. There are flowerbeds, sports and playgrounds in almost every yard. Many hallways are not only clean but also cozy and beautiful with landscape pictures and heroes of fairy tales depicted on the walls.

Own radio station

In order to keep the hromada residents (and there are 13 thousand of them) informed of the latest news, the AH opened its own radio station “Vesela hromada” in addition to the newspaper and AH websites.

Voluntary fire brigade

“When the fire starts, we quickly communicate by cell phones, and drive to extinguish it." Tells the fire brigade volunteer on duty. The German company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH helped to set up a local fire station. The voluntary brigade received their fire truck as well.

Where does the money come from?

The total budget of the Veselivska AH in 2017 amounted to UAH 78 million, and its own budget made up UAH 41.5 million. The main revenues come from personal income tax (48%), single tax (24%), excise tax (10%), and land tax (13%).
The funds from the technical assistance programmes are also attracted. For example, an administrative service centre was opened due to the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.
Revenues to the budget also come from new enterprises.

Flight academy

There is a unique airplane producing enterprise LLC " ХіАТ" located on the territory of the Veselivska amalgamated hromada, in the village of Shyroke.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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Веселівська територіальна громада


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