Vertiyivska AH cares about children, creates tourist facilities and convinces by its own decentralisation success story

A press tour to the Vertiyivska amalgamated hromada took place on Wednesday, 11 April. The event was organised by the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

Financial achievements and increased budgets

"The Vertiyyivska AH was one of the first in the Chernihiv Oblast, where people believed in the reform of local self-government and decided to amalgamate. And they made the right decision. In terms of income per capita, the hromada is one of the leaders in the oblast. People earn money here, and this money goes for development," said Iryna Kudryk, director of the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre.

Children deserve the best

No matter how pompous this phrase is, but the Vertiyyivska AH devotes much attention to children, whose number exceeds six hundred there.

Major repairs were fulfilled in school classrooms, sports hall, dining room. There is a leisure room and a psychologist's room in the school premises. Primary school pupils and low-income children are provided with hot meals at the expense of the hromada. Pupils and teachers are provided with everything necessary for high-quality educational process. Kindergarten "Kolosok" has been renovated as well over these two years.

A new school bus "Ataman" was purchased to transport children to school from the AH villages.

There is an active military and historical museum named after M.Kyrponos in Vertiyivka. Maksym Vertyuk, manager of the museum and ATO veteran, organised a national-patriotic club for senior pupils "Vertiyivka Hundred" on the basis of the museum.

The tourist sphere and a "man-made" lake are among the highlights of the Vertiyivska AH.

What else has been done?

Almost all local roads in the AH villages are restored and repaired. Street lighting is installed and repaired in all settlements. Changes take place in all spheres of hromada life. The state of the vehicle fleet of healthcare facilities and fire departments are among the priorities.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Чернігівська область


Вертіївська територіальна громада


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