Almost 300 applications from AHs and cities were submitted to competition for ASC establishment of U-LEAD with Europe Programme
The process of receipt of applications for participation in the first round of the Roll-Out Phase for the modernisation and establishment of ASCs of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme was completed. The competition commission will select 150 participants from around 300 applications.
As part of the first round, the Roll-Out Phase participants will receive institutional support in the establishment of the ASC, material support, as well as special types of assistance, such as the electronic queue management system and the mobile ASC.
The Vinnytsia and Ivano-Frankivsk Oblasts became the leaders in the number of submitted applications, while the lowest amount of applications was registered in the Kharkiv and Zakarpattia Oblasts. Over 85% of the applications were filed by the representatives of amalgamated hromadas (including joint applications), while the rest of the selection participants are small towns in Ukraine. The results of the first round of selection will be announced on the first week of May 2018.
It is worth mentioning that in the framework of the Roll-Out Phase of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme it is planned to support 600 ASCs by the end of 2020 within four rounds. The beginning of the next round of applications’ receipt is scheduled for early June 2018.

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