Hromadas of Zakarpattia Oblast initiated project for preservation of Tysa river valley ecosystem
Unfortunately, the problem of rivers and other reservoirs’ pollution is relevant not only for the Zakarpattia Oblast. And it is indicative that hromadas themselves become initiators of solving such issues. In the process of decentralisation, local self-governments have realised that they cannot stay apart from problems on their territory, no matter how global they may seem, said Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, during the meeting on the preparation and implementation of the project "Preservation of the Tisa river valley ecosystem in the border area of Ukraine, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia", initiated by the regional Association of Local Self-Government Bodies "Zakarpattia Oblast is for a clean environment".
"The Association's initiative to clean up the runoff to the Tisa river is proper and necessary, because Zakarpattia is a border oblast, and therefore the problem affects the interests of neighbouring countries as well. Though hromadas may not settle the issue alone. To this end, it is necessary to involve the leadership of the oblast, able to organise a partnership with the central executive authorities, governments of neighbouring countries and international projects. It is important that the hromadas of the Zakarpattia Oblast have already united and initiated such projects. I am sure that having received the support from the oblast authorities and MPs, they will bring the matter to an end, and the Ministry is ready to comprehensively help them," said Vyacheslav Nehoda.
Viktor Mykulin, deputy head of the Zakarpattia Oblast State Administration, who was present at the event, assured that the OSA is already working on solution to the problem of pollution of the Tisa river, and promised to create a working group in the oblast to consider the possibility of developing a project, initiated by the Association.
Robert Horvat, initiator of the discussion and MP, said: "I have been talking with the deputies of Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. They assured me of their readiness to join this project. It will be wrong not to use the desire of our foreign partners to provide us with support, therefore, we must begin to move to implement the project within 3-5 years."
Attached images:
V.Nehoda cross-border cooperation
Закарпатська областьSource:

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