We thought over, made estimations and decided that we could do it, - head of hromada on amalgamation and development

"We thought over, estimated the opportunities, counted all economic motivations and decided that it was profitable and that we could do it. Therefore, we settled for amalgamation,” Yuriy Zavoloka, head of the Buzka amalgamated hromada in the Mykolayiv Oblast, tells briefly about the decision to form AH. The village head responded to the invitation of the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre and the DOBRE programme to share the experience of building a capable hromada within the framework of the "Speakers of Hromadas" project.

The head of the Buzka AH also told, whether the idea of ​​building a canning factory worth UAH 32 million, with which the hromada came to the “Million-Hryvnia Hromada” project, will continue. The detailed discussion, as well as intentions of the Buzka AH to allocate UAH 250 thousand, received from the DOBRE programme as the hromada that won the second place in the “Million-Hryvnia Hromada” project, are featured in the video version of the “Speakers of Hromadas”:

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE





Миколаївська область


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