The smallest rayon of Poltava Oblast has finally started forming AHs

The Chornukhy Rayon is the smallest in the oblast in terms of the number of inhabitants and is also known for its glorious native resident Hryhorii Skovoroda. Unfortunately, the rayon is currently among the five decentralised outsiders of the Poltava Oblast, with not a single amalgamated hromada formed so far.

Oleksandr Vasylenko, head of the urban-type settlement of Chornykhy, was the initiator of AH establishment in the rayon. Together with the local deputies, they kicked off amalgamation process around the rayon centre and sent an invitation to all village councils to join. More than half of the village councils (8 out of 12) gave their consent to amalgamate. The experts of the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, visited Chornukhy at the invitation of the deputy corps of all settlements.

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03.04.2018 - 17:05 | Views: 10171
The smallest rayon of Poltava Oblast has finally started forming AHs


Полтавська область


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