106 representatives of Luhansk and Lviv Oblasts have successfully completed online course "Local Development Project Management"

The regional course "Local Development Project Management" was held for the representatives of the Luhansk and Lviv Oblasts.

During the period from 20 February till 31 March 2018, an online course "Local (Regional) Development Project Management" was held on the e-platform Community of Local Development Practices of the Swiss-Ukrainian Project "Decentralisation Support in Ukraine" (DESPRO). 106 participants successfully completed their e-course training.

Olha Lishyk, deputy head of the Luhansk Oblast State Administration and one of the initiators of such training for representatives of the Luhansk Oblast, as well as a direct participant of the e-course, noted: "Participation in the project has become a new impetus for the implementation of ideas and high-quality preparation of the projects on infrastructure development and creation of services for the hromada, acquaintance with colleagues and partners. “Mutual evaluation" allowing to act as an expert was an important component. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the project! East and West are together!"

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

03.04.2018 - 14:00 | Views: 12069
106 representatives of Luhansk and Lviv Oblasts have successfully completed online course "Local Development Project Management"


study DESPRO


Луганська область Львівська область



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