Avanhardivska AH, formed last year, adjoins neighbouring hromada

As reported by the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, the deputies of the Nova Dolyna village council of the Ovidiopol Rayon confirmed the decision, earlier adopted at public hearings on the accession of the hromada to the Avanhardivska AH, at the session held in late March.

According to the calculations conducted in the village council, tax revenues per capita in case of accession to the Avanhardivska AH will amount to over UAH 2.7 thousand, which is much higher than the current figures.

It should be noted that amalgamation of the Nova Dolyna village council in the structure of the Avanhardivska AH was envisaged in the perspective plan for the formation of AHs of the Odesa Oblast, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in September 2015. However, it was not possible to implement such a configuration at that very time, and the Avanhardivska AH was formed with the Avanhard urban-type settlement and the Prylymanske village councils. The first elections in the AH took place in October last year.

02.04.2018 - 12:24 | Views: 10239
Avanhardivska AH, formed last year, adjoins neighbouring hromada


Одеська область


Авангардівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада


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