There is reason to hope that tomorrow Parliament will approve draft law on accession of hromadas to cities of oblast significance, - Andriy Parubiy

On 3 April, the Verkhovna Rada will consider a number of important issues from the local self-government set, said Speaker of Parliament Andriy Parubiy during the meeting of Conciliation Council.

"The first is a very old and important issue about the service in local self-government bodies. The second is the voluntary accession of hromadas to cities of oblast significance. Last time, we lacked a few votes, when we considered it on the Local Self-Governance Day. Though there have already been political discussions, and there is reason to hope that we can make a positive decision. This draft law is important for our commitments to cooperate with the European Union. But most importantly, it is essential for accelerating the process of voluntary amalgamation of hromadas in Ukraine," said Andriy Parubiy.

It is worth mentioning that experts have named five draft laws, which the Parliament should approve as soon as possible for acceleration of the reform of local self-government and decentralisation in Ukraine.

The whole list of draft laws necessary for decentralisation is available HERE.


02.04.2018 - 11:46 | Views: 11776

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