DESPRO debates “Why should hromadas amalgamate?” started in Zhovkva

Participants of the debates are voting in favour or against hromadas’ amalgamation using special switchboard panels.

"We understand that amalgamation of not yet amalgamated settlements is topical," admitted Nadiya Shchur, head of the Zhovkva Rayon State Administration.

"We have something to learn, because there are no amalgamated hromadas in our rayon," Orest Khlyan, head of the Yavoriv Rayon State Administration, supported her.

"Five hromadas are to amalgamate in our rayon in future. We have been working closely with our partners from Poland and other countries for over 20 years, and we see the opportunities hromadas have in a decentralised state," added Volodymyr Sychak, head of the Yavoriv Rayon Council.

"We have the experience of amalgamation of several hromadas. And despite problems, it is the beginning of a new large vision," summed up Roman Horban, head of the Zhovkva Rayon Council.

These were the optimistic statements the public debates on the topic "Why should hromadas amalgamate?" began with. The event was organised by the Swiss-Ukrainian project "Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) with the support of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, as well as the Zhovkva Town Council.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

30.03.2018 - 11:35 | Views: 12031
DESPRO debates “Why should hromadas amalgamate?” started in Zhovkva

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debates DESPRO


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