ASC of Mylyatska AH to provide social services

In the framework of the implementation of an integrated and subsidiary model of social protection of the population, an agreement on cooperation and interaction was signed between the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Dubrovitsya Rayon State Administration and the Mylyatska amalgamated hromada in the Rivne Oblast. From now on, the hromada residents will be able to receive social services (benefits, subsidies, assistance, etc.) directly through the front office of the administrative service centre of the Mylyatska AH.

"This is an important event for every citizen of our hromada. We are really doing our best to make any services as accessible to people as possible, as well as create comfortable living condition for people. I want to thank the Dubrovitsya Rayon State Administration and Rivne LGDC for their understanding, assistance and support.” – noted Fedir Khlebovych, head of the Mylyatska AH.

In order to implement this experience the Rivne LGDC experts held a round-table meeting on building cooperation between administrative service centres and departments of social protection in Mylyach.

28.03.2018 - 11:24 | Views: 16489
ASC of Mylyatska AH to provide social services


Administrative services social services


Рівненська область


Миляцька сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Миляцька територіальна громада


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