Regional Development Agency cannot appear in oblast with strategy "lying on shelf," – expert

Over the past four years, the state and international partners have been directing unprecedented amounts of funds for the development of regions and hromadas. Only state support last year made up UAH 16.1 billion, and this year it is expected to exceed UAH 37 billion, which is 74 times more than in 2014.

Yuriy Tretyak, expert of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, told the "Modern Hromada" programme of the Ukrainian Radio, that  Regional Development Agencies – non-governmental non-profit organisations that can be created in each region – are meant to help oblast authorities and hromadas develop their territories, quality strategies, plans and projects.

So far, the agencies operate in only 14 oblasts.

"It is believed that agencies are luxury for the regions. It is not so. The agency's operating costs are nothing compared to the amount of investments the agency will attract for the development of the region, with the overall benefits the region and hromadas will receive," the expert summarised.

The full version of the "Modern Hromada" programme with the participation of Yuriy Tretyak is available HERE, the transcript can be found HERE.

The "Modern Hromada" is being released with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme on Wednesdays, at 19:30.


28.03.2018 - 09:17 | Views: 10289
Regional Development Agency cannot appear in oblast with strategy "lying on shelf," – expert


regional development agency Yu.Tretyak


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