Tourist routes to be marked in AHs of Zhytomyr Oblast

Amalgamated hromadas of the Zhytomyr Oblast begin the process of forming tourist routes on their territory and will mark them, in order to increase the flow of tourists.

"We are used to see the resources of the hromadas only in the form of minerals, enterprises, land, as they are easier to use, and tourism resources are much more difficult to master and launch. The first step is an inventory of these resources and their formation into the routes, then they need to be identified and advertised," said Serhiy Pidmohylnyi, head of the Association of Active and Ecological Tourism of Ukraine.

The Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, is conducting a series of exercises for AH specialists in order to develop the tourist potential of the hromadas.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

26.03.2018 - 17:12 | Views: 12063
Tourist routes to be marked in AHs of Zhytomyr Oblast


Serhii Pidmohylnyi tourism


Житомирська область


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