No need to look for enemies of decentralisation, we must jointly move the reform and convince those against it - Vyacheslav Nehoda

Every year the number of those criticising the reform of local self-government is decreasing, because decentralisation shows real results: local budgets grow, hromadas are more capable of solving most local issues, creating high-quality and accessible services for residents, and a comfortable living environment. Though, as in any reform process, there are those not ready for change both at the local and at the central level. The reasons are different: someone is used to the old state of affairs, someone considers the new approach unprofitable. And we do not need to criticise them, but to convince them that decentralisation is the only correct way to develop the country, said Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, during the 6th Forum of Local Self-Government in Lviv.

"There are enough of still unresolved issues in the reform. And at all levels it is necessary to think how to jointly solve these issues, and not to look for the guilty, pointing to each other. For example, it is necessary to adopt the law on land in amalgamated hromadas. There are corresponding draft laws. If someone does not like them, let's work them out and adopt. Let's not infinitely criticise the authors, demand ideal strategic draft laws from them, invent horror stories, postponing a real solution of the issue," said Vyacheslav Nehoda.

According to the First Deputy Minister, local self-government development is a priority issue. "And if we do not have the time or ability to quickly resolve these issues at the legislative level, we not only delay the development of the reform, we postpone the development of hromadas, and hence the entire country," said Vyacheslav Nehoda.

As it is known, there are at least 17 draft laws important for accelerating decentralisation, awaiting Parliament's decision. On 22 March, two of these draft laws - No 6466 and No 6636 – were on the agenda of the Verkhovna Rada, but have not been considered.

23.03.2018 - 11:47 | Views: 15090

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