At least 4 services can be received in half an hour in hromada’s ASC, and earlier it was necessary to go to rayon centre, - expert

Most of amalgamated hromadas prioritise the establishment of the Administrative Service Centres (ASC), which ensure the integrated provision of various services in one place. Both the state and international technical assistance projects help hromadas to implement this task, said Viktor Tymoshchuk, chief expert of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, in the "Modern Hromada" programme of the Ukrainian Radio.

"Modern Hromada" radio programme features the factors determining the set of services in the ASCs, advantages of mobile ASC and answers other questions. The programme recording is available HERE.

According to the data of the Monitoring of the process of decentralisation of power and local self-government reform, carried out by MinRegion on a monthly basis, 71 ASCs have been established in AHs so far.

"Modern Hromada" is released with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme each Wednesday, at 19:30.

Detailed information on the establishment and operation of administrative service centres can be found in the ASC section on


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

15.03.2018 - 15:09 | Views: 14669
At least 4 services can be received in half an hour in hromada’s ASC, and earlier it was necessary to go to rayon centre, - expert


V.Tymoshchuk Administrative services


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