ASC establishment: presentations from information sessions on participation in Roll-out Phase of U-LEAD with Europe Programme

Please, find below the presentations of experts on participation in the Roll-out Phase of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme in terms of establishment and modernisation of Administrative Service Centres.

It is worth reminding that information sessions, where the experts tell about the terms of participation in the Roll-out Phase and, in general, about implementation of the improved administrative service delivery of the Programme, are held from 26 February till 16 March in 22 oblast centres of Ukraine. For questions regarding participation in information sessions, please contact (please, indicate your oblast in the subject of the letter).

The deadline for acceptance of the applications for participation in the first round of the Roll-out Phase will expire on 31 March 2018. If you have any questions, please contact the focal points by e-mail or by phone +380 44 581 38 46.


Administrative services


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