If large cities are “squeezed” by amalgamated hromadas, territories will not be able to develop, - expert

Almost two hundred large cities of Ukraine are waiting for the adoption of the draft law on voluntary accession of hromadas to the cities of oblast significance, said the expert Ivan Lukerya in his commentary to the journalists.

“This draft law stipulates that all cities of oblast significance are capable hromadas. This means that they can be joined by the surrounding hromadas by due process of law, without holding elections throughout their territory. In case the draft law is voted for, all cities of oblast significance will become amalgamated hromadas. Then the surrounding hromadas can voluntarily access the cities of oblast significance,” said the expert.

He stressed that the draft law should be voted on this month, during the first plenary week of March.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


I.Lukerya accession


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