Changes in life of hromadas in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast after opening of citizens’ safety centres

The first citizens’ safety centre in the oblast was established in October 2017 on the territory of the Slobozhanska hromada in the village of Stepove. It was a real wonder for local residents. Valeriy Lyfirenko, head of the centre, remembers how people came to look at their own fire truck not hiding their enthusiasm.

There is something to admire, because the centre has not only its fire truck, but also motor pumps, generators and chainsaws. In short, everything that can help to overcome the consequences of emergencies.

Of course, before the safety center started its work, we were concerned about additional funding of the project implementation and personnel training. Having submitted an application to the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration, the hromada received UAH 400 thousand, and also invested UAH 1.8 million of own funds. As a result, an equipped room with a modern fire vehicle and road cleaning machinery during rough weather and snowfall conditions appeared in the centre, and 14 rescuers were employed.

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05.03.2018 - 11:57 | Views: 16982
Changes in life of hromadas in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast after opening of citizens’ safety centres

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safety fire safety


Дніпропетровська область


Святовасилівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Слобожанська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Святовасилівська територіальна громада Слобожанська територіальна громада


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