Government approved procedure for inclusion of fuel excise taxes to local budgets in 2018

On 28 February, the Government adopted a resolution approving the procedure for the inclusion in 2018 of part of the excise tax on fuel produced in Ukraine and imported into the customs territory of Ukraine to the general fund of local self-government budgets.

The procedure determines the principle of distribution of part of the excise tax and the mechanism for its inclusion, reported Halyna Markovych, Local Budgets direction coordinator of the project office of sectoral decentralisation.

The document also approved the shares for excise tax inclusion in the local self-government budgets in the first half of 2018 in terms of all rural, settlement and urban budgets.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

01.03.2018 - 15:32 | Views: 19849
Government approved procedure for inclusion of fuel excise taxes to local budgets in 2018


excise tax budget H.Markovych


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