Government expanded list of cities intending to create “Transparent Office”
Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On amendments to the list of cities of oblast significance and amalgamated hromadas, which intend to create and ensure the functioning of administrative service centres, including social services, in a Transparent Office” format” was developed following the appeals from cities and AHs.
In total, the list was expanded by eight points:
- Town of Bakhmut.
- City of Kmelnytskyi.
- Baranivska urban amalgamated hromada of the Zhytomyr Oblast.
- Berezivska rural amalgamated hroamda of the Sumy Oblast.
- Hnizdychivska settlement amalgamated hromada of the Lviv Oblast.
- Merefyanska urban amalgamated hromada of the Kharkiv Oblast.
- Radyvylivska urban amalgamated hromada of the Rivne Oblast.
- Studenyanska rural amalgamated hromada of the Vinnytsia Oblast.
Implementation of this decision provides an opportunity to ensure the establishment and operation of administrative service centres, including social services delivery, in the “Transparent Office” format on the territories of the cities of oblast significance and amalgamated hromadas in order to increase the efficiency of social services provision to the population.

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