MinRegion improves regional development monitoring system

MinRegion has begun work on the methodology for conducting an interactive survey and questionnaire, which will help determine the competitiveness of the regions, analyse and model ways to solve the regional development problems.

“We need to develop an effective system of qualitative indicators to form the basis of the methodology for conducting interactive and questionnaire surveys in the areas of research of the regional competitiveness index, and to become an effective instrument of state policy not only in the field of regional development, but also in the field of development of the systems of education, healthcare, entrepreneurship, transport infrastructure,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

On 28 February, the first meeting of the working group on the preparation of the Methodological Recommendations on conducting interactive and questionnaire surveys in the areas of research of the regional competitiveness index took place in accordance with the Procedure for Calculating the Regional Competitiveness Index, approved by Resolution of the Government No 1029 dated 20 December 2017.

To make the work of the working group more efficient, Olena Boyko, Director General of the Directorate for Regional Development, suggested creating separate focus groups as a specific discussion club to determine the optimal model of questionnaires. “This will allow the representatives of the working group to focus on analysing only those areas of research that are within their competence and optimise the time spent on the development of methodological recommendations,” noted Olena Boyko.

According to the results of the meeting, it was decided to approve the membership of focus groups in the areas of research of the regional competitiveness index and to develop a schedule of their work. MinRegion is instructed to develop a draft Methodological Recommendations on conducting interactive and questionnaire surveys in the areas of research of the regional competitiveness index.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of MinRegion, other central executive bodies, a group of RDPA advisers of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, oblast state administrations, regional development agencies, all-Ukrainian associations of local self-government, NGOs, specialised associations and scholars.

01.03.2018 - 11:39 | Views: 9503
MinRegion improves regional development monitoring system


regional development



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