Who is entitled to check timeliness of submission of declarations by deputies of local councils? – clarification of experts

Who has the right to check the facts of timely submission by the deputies of local councils of declarations of persons authorised to perform functions of the state or local self-government?

Vira Kozina, lawyer and senior expert of the Analytical and Legal Group of the Central Reform Office under MinRegion, answers the question of the All-Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils.

“To put it briefly, no one has the authority to carry out a large-scale check-up of these facts. In some cases, when a legal entity or natural person addresses the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption with a statement about a specific fact of non-submission or late submission of such a declaration, the NAPC will be empowered to carry out an appropriate verification of the fact stated in the application on its own initiative,” said the expert.

A detailed answer can be found HERE

01.03.2018 - 09:43 | Views: 18230
Who is entitled to check timeliness of submission of declarations by deputies of local councils? – clarification of experts


legal counselling legal counselling corruption Vira Kozina


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