Successes of Mylyatska hromada

The Mylyatska amalgamated hromada was the first to be established in the Dubrovytsya Rayon. It has been operating for already two years. This important decision was not an easy step for local people, there were both hesitation and doubts, and then difficulties, in particular because of the lack of proper legislative regulation of many issues. However, Fedir Khlebovych, leader of the hromada and head of the village of Mylyachi, is convinced that this was the right step, because it opened up real prospects for the development of villages, and self-government in the AH format really corresponds to its essence.

For a short period of time, there were plenty of things to do in these remote nine Polissya villages regarding social sphere, and in general, to improve the hromada life.

More than a year ago the first village Administrative Service Centre in the Rivne Oblast was opened in Mylyachi.

“Of course, we are working on increasing the amount of our own revenues to the AH budget. In 2017, it grew by one and a half million hryvnias,” says Fedir Khlebovych. In Mylyachi, a kindergarten was repaired and one additional children group was opened, heating system was set up in the community club, preschool educational establishment was reconstructed in the village of Perebrody, heating system was renovated in the school of Smorodsk, the roof and heating system of the local community club were renovated in Udrytsk, assembly hall of the Budymlya village club was reconstructed for a gym. In September, the dream of the youth and children of the village of Zhaden to have a proper place for practicing sports came true.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

28.02.2018 - 09:11 | Views: 9415
Successes of Mylyatska hromada


Рівненська область


Миляцька сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Миляцька територіальна громада


«Вісті Рівненщини»

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