Prime Minister: Decentralisation strengthens responsibility of local authorities and hromada expectations of its leaders

The decentralisation reform pushed through by the Government not only generated new powers and resources on the ground, but also increased the responsibility of the local self-governments and hromada expectations of its leaders, announced Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during his communication with the students of the Sumy National Agrarian University.

The Head of Government recalled that three years ago he, as Vice Prime Minister, was at the forefront of the decentralisation process. Moreover, hardly anyone  believed in the success of the reform. "But we succeeded", the Prime Minister stressed and added that there should be amalgamated hromadas in order to achieve new knowledge and new impetus.

The Prime Minister placed a special emphasis on the fact that over the past year a sum worth UAH 100 billion was allocated to local governments in the form of additional local budget revenues that can be used for the well-being of hromadas.

"But the issue can be solved not only by finance. We must just be responsible for ensuring proper construction. If the real estate developer builds a house, then the obligation should envisage construction of a kindergarten near this house. We are building houses, but there must be school nearby! What does it mean? It means responsibility!", the Head of Government claimed.
According to the Prime Minister, another aspect of this responsibility encapsulates the ability to tackle problems. "Hromadas should be more demanding to their authorities and problems should be also resolved by local self-governments," Volodymyr Groysman underscored.

22.02.2018 - 14:17 | Views: 13675
Prime Minister: Decentralisation strengthens responsibility of local authorities and hromada expectations of its leaders


Volodymyr Groysman


Урядовий портал

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