Assignment of ranks to local self-government officials: what should starostas know?

Author: Oleksandr Vrublevskyi, DESPRO expert adviser on starostas’ activity and cooperation of hromadas

Assignment of ranks to local self-government officials is important at admission to service within the local self-government bodies and during service performance, since the assignment of a particular rank is not only a moral stimulus, but is also considered while calculating the amount of remuneration along with the work experience.

Issues regarding the assignment of ranks to local self-government officials are regulated by Law of Ukraine No 2493-III “On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies” dated 07.06.2001, with the last amendments introduced by Law No 2148-VIII as of 03.10.2017 (hereinafter referred to as Law No 2493-III).

When admitting to service in the local self-government bodies, ranks are assigned within the appropriate category of positions. There are seven categories of positions in Ukraine, each of which contains an appropriate list of posts (Article 14 of Law No 2493-III).

Concerning the ranks, that can be assigned to local self-government officials, there are as many as fifteen of them set up (Article 15 of Law No 2493-III).

It is necessary to know: the smaller number the rank has, the higher it is.

P.S. If you have any questions after reading this information, you can post them at the Forum of Starostas at and get the answers you need.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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