Energy-saving windows being installed in schools of amalgamated hromadas of Odesa Oblast

Two schools – the Novokalcheve general secondary school of the 1st-3rd degrees of the Novokalchevska amalgamated hromada of the Berezivka Rayon and Konoplyane general secondary school of the 1st-3rd degrees of the Konoplyanska AH of the Ivanivka Rayon of the Odesa Oblast – joined the implementation of energy saving measures.

According to the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, 82 new metal-plastic energy-saving windows and five doors were installed in the Novokalcheve school, where 115 pupils study. The work was carried out at the expense of the oblast budget and the budget of the AH.

130 old windows were replaced with new energy-saving windows in the hub educational institution of the Konoplyanska AH.

It should be noted that in November, a seminar on “Energy Management System as an Energy Efficient Instrument in AHs” was held for the representatives of the Konoplyanska AH with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, where the Programme experts spoke about the need for appropriate measures, in particular regarding energy monitoring, energy saving and energy efficiency, as well as tools for their implementation.

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Одеська область


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