Establishment of first amalgamated hromada being discussed in Mykolayivka Rayon of Odesa Oblast

The village of Andriyevo-Ivanivka of the Mykolayivka Rayon began the process of forming amalgamated hromada. Deputies of the village council have already decided on amalgamation with the centre in Andriyevo-Ivanivka, and relevant proposals have already been sent to the neighbouring hromadas.

On 16 February, a working visit of the representatives of the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, was made to the Andriyevo-Ivanivska hromada.

Yuliya Molodozhen, director of the Odesa LGDC, together with decentralisation adviser Oksana Hunenkova, visited the social institutions of the village, met with the representatives of hromadas considering the prospects of amalgamation into the Andriyevo-Ivanivska AH, and provided consulting and methodological assistance on the issues of amalgamation procedures, perspectives of provision of high-quality public services to the AH residents, personnel capacity, etc.

The Andriyevo-Ivanivka village council had previously the status of the rayon centre, preserved and develops its own infrastructure, social institutions, used by the residents of the neighbouring hromadas, and according to the Methodology for the formation of capable hromadas, has significant advantages and all grounds for becoming an administrative centre of the amalgamated hromada. It was also confirmed by MinRegion together with the Oblast State Administration while determining the List of Recommended Perspective Administrative Centres of Capable Hromadas, including Andriyevo-Ivanivka.

“It is very important that amalgamation process is as open and transparent as possible in each hromada so that the villagers are actively involved in discussing the prospects for the establishment of AHs and understand that their hromadas’ future depends on them,” said Yuliya Molodozhen speaking to the local self-government representatives and public activists.

In case of a positive decision on amalgamation the Andriyevo-Ivanivska AH will be the first AH in the Mykolayivka Rayon. It should be mentioned that on 29 April the Central Electoral Commission appointed the first elections in three AHs of the Odesa Oblast: Kiliyska urban AH, Lyubashevska and Oknyanska rural settlement AHs. At the same time, both rural settlement AHs are also the first amalgamated hromadas in the Lyubashivka and Okny Rayons, respectively.


Одеська область


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