French plan to invest $60 million in solar power plant in Khoroshivska AH

The French company Global Ecopower SA intends to build a solar power plant with a capacity of 20 MW on the territory of the Khoroshivska rural settlement amalgamated hromada located in the Zhytomyr Oblast. The total amount of expected investments is over $60 million, wrote Yuriy Kosyuk, Chairman of the Management Board of the Agroholding Myronivsky Hliboproduct, on his Facebook-page.

According to him, this is the third project on industrial production of solar electricity, launched in the oblast over the last 2 months.

“Alternative energy projects need to be implemented to ensure, first of all, the energy independence of hromadas. I am convinced that the energy security of the whole country directly depends on such decisions,” said Yuriy Kosyuk.

However, he believes that green power should have a systemic rather than occasional character, and this requires the will of not only local authorities and business, but also the central government.


18.02.2018 - 13:45 | Views: 14488

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energy efficiency energy saving


Житомирська область


Хорошівська територіальна громада


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