20 hromadas of Prykarpattya started procedure of receipt of land outside settlements

Algorithm of actions of local self-government bodies in the process of land transfer, possibilities of expanding hromadas’ revenues at its expense, as well as areas of development of territories and elaboration of urban planning documentation were discussed during the training “Time requirements and legislative changes on land resources management and elaboration of urban planning documentation” held on 13 February at Ivano-Frankivsk Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion of Ukraine.

“Transfer of land outside settlements to the ownership of AHs, first of all, strengthens their capability and is a prerequisite for sustainable local development,” said Ruslan Panasyuk, director of the Ivano-Frankivsk LGDC.

However, the main problem when it comes to receiving revenues from land resources, in particular from land payments, is the lack of up-to-date data on land inventory and estimated monetary value of land in hromadas. Therefore, these issues need to be addressed first by AHs.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

14.02.2018 - 12:01 | Views: 9994
20 hromadas of Prykarpattya started procedure of receipt of land outside settlements

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Івано-Франківська область


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