Let's build Ukraine the way we all want to see it, - head of amalgamated hromada

Viktor Myronchuk, head of the Skala-Podilska AH of the Ternopil Oblast, is convinced that due to participation in the 1+1 TV project his hromada received much more than 1 million that was at stake.

The Skala-Podilska AH of the Ternopil Oblast has recently become known to the entire Ukraine, or, perhaps, to be more correct, to the whole Ukrainian world. This happened due to hromada’s participation in the “Million-Hryvnia Hromada” TV project of the 1+1 channel. And although the Skala-Podilska AH dropped out of the television marathon for UAH 1 million, its head Viktor Myronchuk believes that his hromada has already received much more. He spoke about this within the frames of the “Speakers of Hromadas” project.


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13.02.2018 - 16:07 | Views: 17453
Let's build Ukraine the way we all want to see it, - head of amalgamated hromada





Тернопільська область


Скала-Подільська територіальна громада


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